To preserve your food up to 5 times longer and avoid wastage...

Do you know the many advantages of sous vide? With a vacuum preserver, you can :

- Limit food waste: vacuum-pack your food when you return from shopping to preserve it longer.

- Save money: Buy in large quantities, divide into smaller containers and vacuum-pack.

- Keep refrigerated: Vacuum-packed food keeps 2 to 5 times longer than food in plastic cans or cling film.

- Keep in the freezer: Vacuum-packed food is protected from freezer burn and keeps five times longer.

- Keep in your cupboards: vacuum-packed sweet and savoury cookies keep their crispness! Vacuum-packed pasta, rice and cereals can be kept for up to 2 years.

- Healthier eating: preserve the flavour and vitamins of your food, while keeping it fresh for longer.

- Save time: become a batch cook and save your dishes for the whole week.

- And even cooking at low temperatures...

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