English muffins with Easy Bread

English muffins with Easy Bread


  • 350ml warm milk
  • 15g softened butter
  • 225g T55 flour
  • 225g wholemeal flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1.5 teaspoons dried baker's yeast


Remove the bowl from the breadmaker. Pour warm milk into bowl. Add softened butter.

Cover with flour. Place the salt in one corner of the bowl and the sugar in another.

Make a well in the flour without uncovering the liquid and add the yeast to the well.

Replace the bowl in the machine. Secure by turning slightly.

Select program 14 "Rising dough".

At the end of the program, remove the dough from the machine. Deaerate the dough by working it by hand for 2 minutes. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1.5 cm.

Using an 8 cm diameter cookie cutter, cut out dough rounds, place on a baking sheet and leave to rise for half an hour.

Heat a fat-free frying pan and place a few muffins in it. Cook for 7 minutes on each side.


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