Burger buns at Easy Bread

Burger buns at Easy Bread

Ingredients for 8 burger buns

  • 120ml warm water 
  • 180ml warm milk
  • 1 egg
  • 30g softened butter
  • 600g flour
  • 15g sugar
  • 10g salt
  • 7g dried baker's yeast
  • sesame seeds

Remove the bowl from the breadmaker. Pour lukewarm water and milk into bowl. Add butter and egg.

Cover with flour. Place the salt in one corner of the bowl and the sugar in the other.

Make a well in the flour without uncovering the liquid and add the yeast to the well.

Replace the bowl in the machine. Secure by turning slightly.

Select program 14 "Rising dough".

At the end of the program, take out the dough and divide into 8 pieces. Shape into balls and leave to rest for 45 minutes.

Brown in egg yolk. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake for 15 minutes at 200°.


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